Prepare well, but don't over-prepare. Be open to improvisation and let your players guide the story. Create compelling NPCs and memorable encounters that challenge your players both mentally and physically. Keep the game flowing smoothly and don't be afraid to make tough calls when necessary. Above all, be fair and have fun.
Immerse yourself in your character's backstory, personality, and motivations. Take risks, make choices, and let your character's flaws and quirks shine through. Engage with the other players and actively listen to their ideas and perspectives. Don't be afraid to take the lead, but also be willing to follow when the situation calls for it. Remember, the key to great roleplaying is collaboration and creativity.
Don't be that DM. A valuable skill for every DM, broken down into simple steps. Keep in mind that CR is just a guideline and can vary depending on the specific situation and the abilities of the players.
The building blocks of your life, you don’t want to get that wrong! Characters gain additional Hit Points as they level up, based on their class and Constitution score. Remember, having more HP means being able to survive longer in combat, but also potentially slower movement and heavier armor that may limit a character's agility.
The character with the highest Initiative goes first, followed by the others in descending order. Certain spells and abilities may also affect Initiative. Remember, being quick on the draw can give you an advantage in combat, but don't forget to strategize and work with your allies.
Get your calculator out - we're about to figure out what your next character is good at! PB is added to certain ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls in which the character is proficient. Remember, having a higher PB means being better at certain tasks, so choose your skills and abilities carefully and don't be afraid to specialize.
Save yourself some grief and don't throw caution to the wind, learn the ins and outs about saving throws here! Saving Throws can make all the difference in a dangerous situation. Whether it's a trap, a spell, or some other kind of effect, having a high Saving Throw means you are more likely to resist or avoid it.
There’s a lot to keep track of when you level up, this will cut through any confusion. From gaining new spells to increasing your hit points, leveling up in DnD 5E is essential for any adventurer.
The very core of your character, there’s a few ways to determine your stats and we go through them all here. Rolling for stats in DnD 5E can be a bit of a gamble, but with some luck and careful planning, you can end up with a character that is perfectly suited to your playstyle.