PositionExpert Writer
JoinedFebruary 11, 2021
Save yourself some grief and don't throw caution to the wind, learn the ins and outs about saving throws here! Saving Throws can make all the difference in a dangerous situation. Whether it's a trap, a spell, or some other kind of effect, having a high Saving Throw means you are more likely to resist or avoid it.
There’s a lot to keep track of when you level up, this will cut through any confusion. From gaining new spells to increasing your hit points, leveling up in DnD 5E is essential for any adventurer.
Turn your passion, into your payday. From emphasizing teamwork and problem-solving skills to showcasing your creativity and imagination, we've got you covered. Explore the best tips and tricks for putting DnD on a resume and unlocking your full potential in the job market!
The very core of your character, there’s a few ways to determine your stats and we go through them all here. Rolling for stats in DnD 5E can be a bit of a gamble, but with some luck and careful planning, you can end up with a character that is perfectly suited to your playstyle.
You too can start your very own DnD campaign! Click here to learn how. And no, this is totally not clickbait. Starting a DnD campaign can be a daunting task, but with a bit of preparation and creativity, you can create an unforgettable adventure for you and your players.
To write a successful DnD campaign, you need to create a rich and immersive world that players will want to explore. Think about the history, geography, and culture of your world, and use this to inform your story and characters. Most important thing is to create a fun and engaging experience for players, so don't be afraid to take risks and try new things.
Everything you need to know about this digital tool, from its features and benefits to its pricing and drawbacks. We'll help you decide if DnD Beyond is the right fit for your gaming needs and budget.
Wolf down some knowledge on the most popular cursed beings in 5E. Learn to embrace your inner beast and become a terror of the night.
If you're looking to create a character in DnD 5E that is perfectly suited to your playstyle, point buy is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. With this method, you can customize your character's ability scores based on a set point value, giving you more control and balance than other methods, such as rolling for stats.